Sunday, March 15, 2009

How to Engage the Audience During a Speech

During a speech, the attention of the audience is the most important. How to make the attention of the audience can classify to five steps.

Know your topic-Audiences are savvy and will be sure to tell if you aren't on top of your subject matter. Make sure that you speak only on topics you know well and can speak about knowledgeably.

Be enthusiastic-Nothing engages an audience more than passion. Even the most boring of subjects will seem fascinating if you are passionate and excited about them. Make sure you speak on topics that engage you and you will engage the audience as well.

Step 3
Keep it simple.-By limiting your speech to a few key points and concentrating on those exclusively, you'll keep the audience engaged in your subject and keep their attention from straying.

Step 4
Ask questions. -A sure fire way to engage the audience's attention during a speech is to ask them questions. This draws them into your speech and makes them more an involved, as opposed to a passive listener.

Step 5
Lighten up-No one expects a comedian, but by telling a few jokes, being animated, walking around the room or just be relaying an interesting anecdote, you will automatically engage the audience in your speech and make them want to hear more.

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