Monday, March 16, 2009


Let us now talk about what we should never ever do or in other words, avoid when one is giving a speech. I know, a lot of us a pretty nervous when it comes to presenting in front of the class and most of the time, we do these little mistakes without us even realizing about it.

Firstly, 'do not just end a presentation or a speech abruptly'. What im trying to point out here is that, for example, you just finish presenting your last point of your speech, and with all of a sudden, maybe due to the nervousness, you just sort of end the speech by saying thank you. Well my friends, the word-thank you, is not actually a conclusion to your speech. In fact it does not bring any significant meaning at all towards your speech.

Next, 'do not introduce new points in your conclusion'. Look, the last things those audiences want from you after one hell long of a speech is by introducing new points. It not only puzzles them but also sort of like brings down your image. Always act and be a professional while giving a speech, therefore, the audience would treat you with higher respect.

Lastly, 'do not apologize' to the audience for no particular reason. Yes you may apologize if u had touched on sensitive issues earlier in your speech such as being a racist but if you hadnt done anything wrong, please try avoiding this. Ok, coming in to your conclusion, lets be fair, the audience do not want to know how you felt towards them but instead, they want a short summary of what you basically mentioned in your speech earlier.

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