Monday, March 16, 2009

Many of you may be wondering, why? why do we basically need to end our speech with a formal conclusion? I mean, cant we just wrap it up by saying thank you and then slowly walk back to our seat?

Look, there are several reasons as to why we need to end our speech with a conclusion. First, you may have been talking for maybe 20-30 minutes max, and dont tell me that the audience would infact listen and remembered what you mentioned earlier on. Admit it, we are humans, and not robots for god sake and yes we then to suffer from a slight short term memory loss. So in our conclusion, we basically 'review our thesis', in short, its sort of like a small summary of our speech,.

Next, we want to review our main points mentioned earlier in the speech. We sort of like want to make sure the audience get the message we want to send to them in our speech. Like mentioned earlier, the audience might even forgotten what we basically said earlier so in our conclusion, let us remember to review back our main points.

Lastly, we should provide memorable final remark. In this case, do something that lets the audiece remembers whom you are. What im trying to say here is that, do somehting in which would attract the audiences mind and heart so that, in the future, they would remember what you basically had done while giving a speech.

Let us now talk about what we should never ever do or in other words, avoid when one is giving a speech. I know, a lot of us a pretty nervous when it comes to presenting in front of the class and most of the time, we do these little mistakes without us even realizing about it.

Firstly, 'do not just end a presentation or a speech abruptly'. What im trying to point out here is that, for example, you just finish presenting your last point of your speech, and with all of a sudden, maybe due to the nervousness, you just sort of end the speech by saying thank you. Well my friends, the word-thank you, is not actually a conclusion to your speech. In fact it does not bring any significant meaning at all towards your speech.

Next, 'do not introduce new points in your conclusion'. Look, the last things those audiences want from you after one hell long of a speech is by introducing new points. It not only puzzles them but also sort of like brings down your image. Always act and be a professional while giving a speech, therefore, the audience would treat you with higher respect.

Lastly, 'do not apologize' to the audience for no particular reason. Yes you may apologize if u had touched on sensitive issues earlier in your speech such as being a racist but if you hadnt done anything wrong, please try avoiding this. Ok, coming in to your conclusion, lets be fair, the audience do not want to know how you felt towards them but instead, they want a short summary of what you basically mentioned in your speech earlier.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How to Engage the Audience During a Speech

During a speech, the attention of the audience is the most important. How to make the attention of the audience can classify to five steps.

Know your topic-Audiences are savvy and will be sure to tell if you aren't on top of your subject matter. Make sure that you speak only on topics you know well and can speak about knowledgeably.

Be enthusiastic-Nothing engages an audience more than passion. Even the most boring of subjects will seem fascinating if you are passionate and excited about them. Make sure you speak on topics that engage you and you will engage the audience as well.

Step 3
Keep it simple.-By limiting your speech to a few key points and concentrating on those exclusively, you'll keep the audience engaged in your subject and keep their attention from straying.

Step 4
Ask questions. -A sure fire way to engage the audience's attention during a speech is to ask them questions. This draws them into your speech and makes them more an involved, as opposed to a passive listener.

Step 5
Lighten up-No one expects a comedian, but by telling a few jokes, being animated, walking around the room or just be relaying an interesting anecdote, you will automatically engage the audience in your speech and make them want to hear more.

How to make a speech?

Speech is the faculty of uttering articulate sounds or words; the faculty of expressing thoughts by words or articulate sounds; the power of speaking. The process to make a speech is important than the information.

In general the following will also help:

  • Put your speech on numbered cue cards for professional presentation.
  • Speak clearly and distinctly. It's no good giving a fascinating speech if no one can hear it!.
  • Make sure there is enough light for you to see you speech
  • Take some deep breaths before you start to calm your nerves.
  • Personalise your piece. Everyone likes to hear a true story. Then practise, practise and practise!
  • If you use a microphone hold it about nine or ten inches away from your mouth. Don't swallow it! Make sure the microphone is free-standing so your hands are free for your cue cards.
  • Leave them laughing. A funny incident is always popular.
  • Make it short. Your audience should want to hear more not less.
Ok, lets put you into this situation,

' You're going to face a major examination- Stpm for instance, in a couple of months time but you dont seem to be that interested in studying nor had you been paying much time into revising your subjects'

Upon seeing this, your parents are really upset with your behavior and even with constant scolding, nagging, advice and even some beatings, nothing seem to work. So what your parents came up with is what we would call 'reward power'.

They made a deal with you, upon completing your examination, provided that you pass your exam, they would grant you anything you want. May it be a holiday trip or even a brand new car. So this indirectly triggers you to actually want to do well in your exams.

Therefore, before you even realize it, you are basically starting to revise your subjects constantly without fail. Now, you would even stay up till mid-night only to revise, plus, you had even sacrificed all your leisure time just to study.

Half a year later, you realized that you not only passed your exam but also managed to obtain a few distinctions. And with your parents little use of power reward there, it proves to be very useful !
One of the best way whereby a group could solve a problem is by actually brainstorming. This technique does help one to be more creative therefore, they would be able to contribute ideas into the team it self. Nevertheless, there are several rules which one must apply to be connected with this strategy.

First, 'criticism is forbidden'. Now why this is forbidden is that, when another group member is trying to generate ideas and one starts to criticize, indirectly, this causes a stop in flow of ideas into the brainstorming session. Next it would actually create a negative environment amongst team member as they acknowledge that none of the team members do respect their particular ideas.

Next, 'quantity is sought'. In this manner, quality wont be as important as quantity due to the fact that, the main reason one brainstorms is that, they want to find solution- 'S' to overcome their particular problem and its not a matter of what is the best way to overcome their problem.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Decison-making process

First priority in making a decision is to establish who are the decision-maker and stakeholders in the decision or the audience for the decision. Identifying the decision-maker early in the process cuts down on disagreement about problem definition, requirements, goals, and criteria.

Although the decision-maker seldom will be involved in the day-to-day work of making evaluations, feedback from the decision-maker is vital at four steps in the process:
1. Problem definition [step 1]
2. Requirements identification [step 2]
3. Goal establishment [step 3]
4. Evaluation criteria development [step 5]

When appropriate, stakeholders should also be consulted. By acquiring their input during the
early steps of the decision process, stakeholders can provide useful feedback before a decision is

It is the decision team’s job to make sure that all steps of the process are adequately performed.
Usually the decision support staff should include the help of skilled and experienced analysis or
facilitators to assist with all stages of the decision process. Expert facilitation can help assure
that all the steps are properly performed and documented. Their experience and expertise will
help provide transparency to the decision making process and help avoid misunderstandings that often lead to questions about the validity of the analyses which ultimately slow progress.

There have eight steps for the general decision-making process:
  1. Define problem
  2. Determine the requirements that the solution to the problem must meet
  3. Establish goals that solving the problem should accomplish
  4. Identify alternatives that will solve the problem
  5. Develop evaluation criteria based on the goals
  6. Select a decision-making tool
  7. Apply the tool to select a preferred alternative
  8. Check the answer to make sure it solves the problem


A true leader accepts responsibility for his/her choices and the impact those choices have on others;
A true leader has the courage to stand up for his/her convictions even in the face of unpopularity;
A true leader show compassion for others,not just in words,but in deeds and actions;
A true leader has a humanity for a greater purpose,not just for early rewards.
From Anne Davis

Leadership involves a variety of skills. Leaders must have skills in communicating effectively, listening actively, working with people, and helping others work together in group. Leaders must have integrity and honesty. Good leader must first learn to be followers. Leader doesn't dominate in group, but lead by his or her actions. Leader need changes with the situation, thus different poeple can lead at different times. The best leader takes on many different roles to support the needs of the group. True leader focus on helping his or her groups achieves its goals rather than on his or her own recognition.

Leadership can be learned just like other skills, but it requires practice and determination. So, everyone can be a leader. The best way to learn leadership skills is work on leadership-related skills and apply them in situation require leadership action. Focusing on five leadership skills areas will help you strenthen and improve your leadership ability.

  1. Understanding self- understand and develop a positive attitude
  2. Communicating- effective two way sharing of information through speaking, listening, writing, and body language.
  3. Getting along with others- develop and understand of how you relate to other people and accept and appreciate the difference between others and yourself.
  4. Managing- Learn steps and approaches to make decision, set goals, and choose resources to achieve those goals.
  5. Working with groups- Learn how to work together

Is easy to be a leader but is difficult to become a good leader.

I want to share something that is I got my very first and my very own salary! It is nothing for everybody else but for me, this is the rewards after my hardwork and I definitely learns lots of thing from my first job.
When My friends ask me what m I doing during weekends and i answered "working", they are taken aback because the answer they are expecting are shopping or maybe having fun at somewhere. I used to waste money unnecessary, my mum often advise me to control abit and she also shows me how the poor live and that earning money is not something easy. I used to ignore what she had said because I just cant imagine and cant feel the process of earning the money myself.
Starting this February, i start my first ever job. I decided to work because i want to learn something, maybe how to deal with people. I thought it is not going to be hard and i am very sure that i can go through this. Well, to tell the truth, it is not that easy, I have to wake up early on weekend morning and take public transport because I have the responsibility to open the shop. I also feel weird when i have to obey what my boss tell me to do. This makes me realise that i am really a spoilt brat and should change whatever wasting habit i have right now. Besides that, my relationship with my mum also get closer, i always call her and tell her my working experience and listen to her more.
I am trilled when my boss hand me my very first salary on 3rd February. I learned allot of things when i am working including obeying orders, smile even you don't feel like it, be polite to stranger, be patient when dealing with fussy customer and many more.
Drug abuse has been a terrifying problem for every country. It seems that every year, the number of drug abusers keeps on going up and it never seems to end, the worst part is, the users amongst teenagers especially are on a rise. Kids as young as 14-15 years old have been reported to have abused drug usage.

We can easily point fingers on whom are to be blamed;teachers, parents or friends, but seriously, what is the point?. Why not we take responsibilities and try helping these people out especially teenagers. As when they are in this age, what they basically want to try out whatever things they can get without knowing if its good or bad.

There are actually many ways one could get help from drug addiction. One would be seeking professionals help, such as from therapists and psychologists as what they basically does is to find the best solution for you to cure this addiction. Next would be joining a "social group". In such group, whereby it consists of around 5-10 people , they would share their experiences and how they managed to overcome this addiction.
Over a few weeks back, i got a shocking news from my fellow ex-classmate. It seem that my friend whom is now doing his form 6 back in Victoria Institution and a school captain by the way was sacked from his posts amid protests by fellow students and ex-teachers.

Very well, how this started was that, lets face it, 'bullying and beating' juniors does happen in high schools and we shall not deny it now. The school admin found out that the school captain came to know about a recent, i shall say 'bullying' session in my school but he didnt bother reporting the case and he eventually denied that particular incident when he was asked by the school disciplinary board. Therefore, he was sacked from his post.

Soon we found out, how this incident could be leaked into the teachers knowledge as students in my school are really good at keeping away and hiding such incidents from fellow teachers. Indeed, there was a 'rat' i shall say amongst the prefect board and he was the one whom reported this incident. And this person was my ex-classmate as well.

We are still angry about his actions and we knew that he has his own "hidden agenda" after all, as basically, since last year, he has been eye-ing for the school captains post, but he failed the interview and now he is back for revenge.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Problem-Solving Group

Maybe some of you had watch this before but i get to know this series of movie through Ms. Debbie. I instantly fell in love with this movie and try my very best to search for it because I actually love weird, rare and mysterious stuff like how a person with metal illness think.

This series are called Criminal minds and it basically show how a group of intelligent F.B.I profiler solve serial murder cases. The best part of all is, these people can actually know what are the criminals thinking about and try to save their next target. This series really show the important of team work because each of the F.B.I member have their own specialty and the cant solve any cases without their teammates. Besides that, I always remember the story of a father who show his sons the power of unity by asking them to break one stick and ten sticks together. This story teaches me that a person's ability are limited and a team of people are powerful and able to shake the world.

Although there are a team with many strong group members, but they are nothing without unity and teamworks. Therefore, we should unite and work together as a team to achieve whatever we are aiming.