Sunday, January 18, 2009

Communication for Social Needs

Year end and new year are joyful moments as there is not only holidays but this is also the time where major Festival such as Hari Raya, Christmas, New year eves and Chinese New Year are celebrated by multi-culture Malaysians. Gatherings with friend and relatives are a common practise during these festivals therefore families might not be at home during these festivals. These is also the best opportunities for thieves to break-in houses causing the increasing crime rates during this season.

The 'safe house' campaign is a campaign introduced by the government where police keep watch over houses when owners are away for the festive season. According to the Selangor Police Chief, this campaign are a success and Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said that not a single house registered with the programme was ever broken into since the campaign started two years ago. He also called on the public to be 'busy bodies' and inform the police if the saw any suspicious figure around their residence. “There have been many cases that were quickly solved, some with the perpetrators caught in the act due to fast and accurate information received from the public,” he said. Looming economy crisis might also increase the crime rates as people are loosing jobs and desperate. Various strategies have been planned to control the expected increase in these crimes and the commitment of the community are also crucial to succeed. However, the number of active community policing participants are disappointing. Besides that, due to the hectic life of the citizens, there are almost no communications between the neighbourhood.

As a conclusion, communication is essential to satisfy social needs and we should communicate with our neighbours and lend a helping hand when they need us because we don't know when is the day they might safe our lives and property. =)

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